Photography: Carlos Cezanne
23 / 10 / 2020
There are no established rooms, here one lives according to the flavour of each moment and the urge felt at each instant.
It's between Madragoa and Calçada Marquês de Abrantes, in Lisbon, that we find the home of Tomás Colaço and Sofia Aguiar, known as the "place" and which has been in the family for over 20 years. In fact, this sense of family history seems to be one of the few elements of continuity in this dwelling.
The pair of painters and artists admit to making (almost) daily changes, so much so that here there is no traditional designation for the parts of the home. "The rooms no longer have names or retain their old names, such as the green room, where none of that colour can now be seen, except in some plants, by chance". Besides the kitchen and bathroom, which have a more stable character, "all the other rooms are in a kind of constant evolution", they add.
The pair of painters and artists admit to making (almost) daily changes, so much so that here there is no traditional designation for the parts of the home. "The rooms no longer have names or retain their old names, such as the green room, where none of that colour can now be seen, except in some plants, by chance". Besides the kitchen and bathroom, which have a more stable character, "all the other rooms are in a kind of constant evolution", they add.
For this very reason, there is a certain sense of chaos that comes from the difficulty they both experience in separating their more private space from their working environment. Thus, what began as the painting of a canvas, easily found continuity in pieces of furniture, floors and walls painted by both.
One experiences a remote atmosphere of decorative purification, without modernist components. If, on a given day, the nine rooms of the home are suddenly emptied, then they quickly fill up "as if it were the house of a absent-minded hoarder. Everything is scenery, everything is, in a way, false, theatrical", being an integral part of their "own daily scenery", Thomas and Sofia explain.
One experiences a remote atmosphere of decorative purification, without modernist components. If, on a given day, the nine rooms of the home are suddenly emptied, then they quickly fill up "as if it were the house of a absent-minded hoarder. Everything is scenery, everything is, in a way, false, theatrical", being an integral part of their "own daily scenery", Thomas and Sofia explain.
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