• A' Design Award & Competition

    Celebrating the winners


18 / 08 / 2021
This article is only available in English.
To celebrate A'Design Awards & Competition winners over the years, we've made a selection of some of our favorites. 
A’ Design Award & Competition is the world’s leading international annual juried competition for design, and highlight, every year the very best designers from all countries in all disciplines and is now calling for entries. Entries to the competition are peer-reviewed and anonymously judged by an influential jury panel of experienced academics, prominent press members and established professionals. A’ Design Award & Competition promises fame, prestige, publicity and international recognition to all A’ Design Award Winners through the A’ Design Prize which is given to celebrate the awarded designs.

With more than 100 different categories - including interior space, architecture, building and structure design, exhibition design, decorative items or homeware design - winners will have the opportunity to showcase their work, taking advantage of a wide range of benefits such as extensive PR and publicity, official certificates and badges, participation in an exhibition, winner certificate, exclusive interview opportunities, inclusion in blogs or magazines, participation in the gala night, publication in the yearbook, insights from the judges, among many others.
The A’ Design Award & Competition has been established to promote and recognize the best design works in all countries and in all creative disciplines. The primary aim of the A’ Design Award & Competition is to create a global awareness and understanding for good design practices and principles by highlighting the best designs in all countries and in all industrial fields. The ultimate aim of the A’ Design Awards is to push designers, companies and brands worldwide to create superior products and projects that benefit the society.

Today we want to celebrate A'Design Awards & Competition winners over the years, so we've made a selection of some of our favorites.

If you are interested, you can register here
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Star House by AGi Architects | Photo: AGi Architects, 2011.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Twins by Claudio Sibille | Photo: Claudio Sibille, 2013.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Flügel Haus by Viacheslav Deev | Photo: Viacheslav Deev, 2013.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Gamsei by Buero Wagner / F. Wagner with A. Kreft | Photo: S. Schels, Gamsei, 2013  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Grotto Sauna by PARTISANS | Photo: Jonathan Friedman, Grotto Sauna, 2014.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Artificial Topography Installation by Ryumei Fujiki and Yukiko Sato | Photo: Ryumei Fujiki and Yukiko Sato, 2011.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Max & Minny by Polona Pakiz | Photo: Polona Pakiz, 2011.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Less is a bore by Anita Huang | Photo: Shiao Yu Min, Less is a bore, 2015.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Torsion by Natalie Musorina | Photo: Julia Kartashova, 2015  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
BlobHertz by Roberto Maurizio Paura | Photo: Roberto Maurizio Paura, BlobHertz on wall, 2016  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Zenyth by Nicholas Perillo | Photo: Nicholas Perillo, 2015.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
House for Installation by Jun Murata | JAM | Photo: Jun Murata / JAM  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
The Eco Oasis by Andy Tan | Photo: Andy Liew Ser Wee, Creator Andy Tan Meng Hua (Interior Design / Director), The Eco Oasis, 2014  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Tarro by Diario | Photo: Creator Ana Sosa and Guillermo Salhon, Tarro, 2014.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Stratum by Ammar Kalo | Photo: Creator Ammar Kalo, Stratum, 2014  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
FRB Custom Bicycle by Konstantinos G. Papadopoulos | Photo: Konstantinos Papadopoulos, 2015.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
A Chairs by Yi-An Hung - Yestudio | Photo: Clivelan  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Eye Candy by Mathew Guido | Photo: Mathew Guido , 2018.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
Pepsi Chinas People Daily New Media by PepsiCo Design and Innovation | Photo: PepsiCo Design and Innovation, 2020.  
  • A' Design Award & Competition
MeggNote by Roohollah Merikhpour, Satar Sa'adatmand | Photo: RITOON Design Studio  
For more information, visit A' Design Award & Competition website.

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