• Uterqüe

    Inspired by Contemporary art and the Mid-Century movement


07 / 10 / 2016
Inspired by the contemporary art and the Mid-Century style of the 50’s, Uterque just launched a new store concept. In order to mark the change, the image was premiered in the new Uterque store in Braga, the first store in the city and the fifth in Portugal. Uterqüe's logo is evolving in parallel: from now on it will feature a font characterised by more organic, refined and minimalist lines.

The new Uterqüe image will, moreover, serve as a symbiotic loudspeaker and ally for contemporary artistic creation. And so, just as the visual arts will imbue the brand's collections with more contemporary values, the firm will support exhibitions, collaborate with sector experts and showcase new artists' talent. This strategy will be palpable from Uterqüe's shop windows to its store interiors and, naturally, its collections, which will live and breathe art.

Space and light invite exploration of the collections in an atmosphere shaped by warm designs and an aura of femininity. The fittings are an integral part of this new concept which recalls the best of the 50s. The furniture adopts the Scandinavian style of the era but, having been custom-created for Uterqüe, exudes a contemporary and versatile feel. The floor coverings are inspired by Persian rugs and the stores will be dotted with decorative pieces and works of art, busts with more daring looks and cult objects in pottery, iron and bronze.

The aesthetic reaches its zenith in the store materials: a combination of straight shelves made from stone, metal and wood to make the interiors feel tranquil, organic and restrained and render Uterqüe's fashions the outright protagonists of the space. The dressing rooms feature bamboo floorboards covered with beige-coloured carpeting and natural leather doors.
Photography: Carlos Cezanne

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