• Jody Horton

    Passion nourishes us


13 / 05 / 2016
Man’s relationship with food is comprised of routines that are never rendered mundane. In the gestures of the cultivation or preparation of food, there is an encounter between the elementary and the refined, of offering and retribution, of necessity and of pleasure. This is the world that nourishes the oeuvre of Jody Horton. This North American photographer captures a universe in which passion is the main ingredient. And since all passions require little if any filtering, the quest for the genuine that characterises the portfolio of his work stirs the senses as it documents cultural wealth. Here is photography probing different angles of our nature, while also revealing the background of an artist who enjoys travelling the world, and who has already dedicated himself to writing and studied English and Ethnology.

— Your work is characterized by an authentic approach; we aren’t presented with ‘pretty’ food that has been manipulated and retouched. What do you want to document?
— My approach to editorial and commercial work is similar. Some editorial work is about capturing natural and real moments, and I enjoy assignments that allow me to observe and document. I normally attempt to capture a certain action and, in a way, a subject's passion for what they do. More often some light directing helps achieve better results. This is always the reality of commercial work, since we are asked not only to document but to create the world we are shooting. We strive to make everything feel natural and unstaged.

— When we think about food in the world, there are two perspectives: the pleasure of eating and the absence of food. Are social and political questions reflected in your work?
— While I'm interested in questions of inequality, it has not yet been a focus of my work.

Read the full story in our printed edition - Attitude #69

Photos: Jody Horton
Text: Virgínia Capoto

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