• Tomás Tea House

    A space in Mexico City that celebrates the tea ritual


14 / 03 / 2015
The designers of Savvy Studio conceived a total design project for a space in Mexico City that celebrates the tea ritual. The work included the shop’s interior and also the complex graphic communication of the brand, essential to differentiate all the varieties of tea available.

“The interior design reinterprets the romantic elements that surround the culture of tea-drinking into a modern setting”, say the designers at Savvy Studio. Each typology of this product is divided into large metal jars behind the counter on the main room, displaying every variety of tea being sold there. 

On the adjacent room, with tables and sofas spread around, it’s possible to sit, experiment and read detailed information about each product. The many illustrations about the theme of tea on the walls show visitors a diversity of interpretations on this subject.

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